Time to install the crankshaft...
Here is the block with the upper halves of the main bearings installed. Main bearing #1 (on the right in the photo) is a ring bearing that goes on when the crank goes in. The plastic tubing is there to protect the crank journals from being scratched by the studs.
Applying assembly lube to the main bearing shells.
The 944 engine uses a bearing 'girdle' to hold the crankshaft in place, rather than individual bearing caps. The channel along the rim of the girdle (at the bottom of the photo) is the main oil feed from the oil pick-up tube to the oil pump. It must be sealed very carefully or the oil pump will suck air instead of oil and very bad things will happen.
The crankshaft all lubed up and ready to install.
Using a torque angle gauge to apply the final torque to the main bearing nuts.
Measuring crank end play... 0.007"—well within spec.